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Tips to reduce electricity consumption - and all electrical appliances in the home

Certain times for electricity consumption and ways to save

- Countries and Ways to Save - EPDK Electric, Turkey's Electricity Supply Times Dr. Ahmet Fertili, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Energy, said that there are certain times when electricity consumption is cheap, medium, and high, that is. cheap.

  • - From 8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. Average price​. From 06:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m. high price. From 05:00 p.m. to 07:00 p.m.

- Turkish presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin: There will be new decisions on the price of electricity very soon. How high is the electricity bill? Things to do to provide the electricity you know when electricity is cheap/Save electricity at home.

Tips to reduce electricity consumption - and all electrical appliances in the home
Save electricity at home

Solutions for high electricity bills and ways to save

- How high is the electricity bill? things to do to provide electricity Solutions for high electricity bills and savings.

- EPDK rent, kitchen expenses, installments, clothing, education, culture, and the arts ... You allocate a certain portion of your income to these types of expenses. However, the price increases you're facing can cause you to not be able to implement your budget planning as you think.

- So what is the solution? Save, of course! It may be difficult to save money in areas like rent and education costs, but you can slash your costs dramatically by saving energy more than you can.

- Video: 40% Savings in Household How do you provide electricity? which has been on the agenda lately for this content. We'll look into it. Now, let's introduce ways of saving electricity.

- No matter where you want to save money, the first step is to assess whether you need it or not. Tips for reducing power consumption with refrigerators and freezers So, if your goal is to reduce the amount of the electricity bill, at this point, you have to turn off the lights where they don't need to be lit /Save electricity at home.

Tips to reduce electricity consumption when using refrigerators and freezers

- We also recommend turning off the lights when you leave the room, even if you are going to be back in a few minutes after you leave. - Because the light bulb burns unnecessarily for 5 minutes every day; 150 minutes a month, 1,800 minutes a year, wasting 30 hours.

- In short, even 5 minutes is a big deal in saving. - A kettle or TV connected to electricity, even if it's off, your truck doesn't disconnect it after your phone has shipped... If you think the products that are plugged into the socket but you're not using them don't use electricity, you're wrong with your e-mail. How high is the electricity bill? Things to do to provide the electricity you know when electricity is cheap.

Tips to reduce electricity consumption - and all electrical appliances in the home
Save electricity at home

-How high is the electricity bill? things to do to provide electricity - Electric products continue to consume electricity, although not as much at work. For this reason, the separation of electronic products that you do not use is one of the measures that must be taken to provide electricity.

- If you don't want to plug your electronics into the socket for power consumption, you can also choose energy-efficient sockets With these sockets, your electronics won't be in “standby” mode even if you plug them in, so they don't use ePdk electric/Save electricity at home.

-So what should we do to provide electricity?“One answer to the question is hidden in the lamps you choose. So, what light bulbs will be used to provide electricity? We recommend using your LED Options preferences. 

- How much electricity do electrical appliances consume? LEDs can consume 80% less power than incandescent (classic) lamps.

-Additionally, the fact that incandescent lamps can produce the level of light they produce with fewer watts also saves energy from your electrified. Plus, the fact that the LEDs are about 10 years old is one of the points contributing to your budget. In addition to LED lighting products, solar lights that you can use in areas such as gardens and balconies are one way to reduce electricity consumption.

What is the amount of electricity consumed by electrical appliances?

-With these products, your evening lights up thanks to the energy you receive from the sun, the garden and porch reflections on your breakfast will be eliminated.

- No doubt, "How do we save energy at home?"The question is directly related to white goods! Although some of the points to pay attention to during use contribute to the provision of electricity, we can say that the categories of energy are more important in this regard than DK.

 - Now, let's briefly explain what the energy categories are and list the categories that will reduce your energy consumption. Energy categories are expressed in letters and plus signs and give information about the amount of energy consumed by the electrical products you use/save electricity at home.

- As you get the alphabet going, energy efficiency goes down; So the A-class washing machine is more efficient than the energy class. Tips for reducing power consumption 

- and all the electrical appliances at home The higher the plus sign, the more energy-efficient. In other words, A +++ provides more power than A +.

- So, how do we reduce the energy that white goods consume? It might seem strange, but putting the fridge and the Frasier in the right place can affect energy consumption.

- For this reason, the refrigerator and the freezer should be put in a way that doesn't receive sunlight and the back and the sides can breathe. Your fridge and freezer work to maintain the temperature setting you specified.

- Frequent opening of doors, hot food or overcapacity may cause these devices to work harder to maintain the temperature you set.

Tips to reduce electricity consumption - and all electrical appliances in the home
Save electricity at home

-This could increase energy consumption. Adjusting the temperature of the refrigerator to below the ideal level leads to food degradation and increased electricity consumption.

- How high is the electricity bill? Things to do to provide the electricity you know when electricity is cheap. How high is the electricity bill? things to do to provide electricity 

- Perfect temperature + 4°C for the refrigerator section and 1°C for the freezer section. Running washing machines and dishwashing machines before filling them up will result in more electricity and water consumption/Save electricity at home.


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